Learning Accessibility Services provides test-taking accommodations to Carthage students with documented disabilities at the Learning Accessibility Services (LAS) Testing Center in Hedberg Library.

Accommodations frequently include extended time and a separate room for testing. Students are welcome to take tests and quizzes in the LAS Testing Center in Hedberg Library. The Testing Center is staffed by graduate students for several hours available each weekday. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule at the LAS Testing Center and to remind his/her/their professors to email the test to the LAS Testing Center (testingcenter@whtmy.com).

The Learning Accessibility Services Testing Center is limited to assisting Carthage students with documented disabilities. The Center does not proctor tests for non-Carthage students, tests or quizzes for other colleges, placement tests, or certification exams. Gateway Technical College in Racine and Kenosha have testing centers. Please contact Gateway’s Testing Services for more information.

Testing Center Hours

  • Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Saturday-Sunday, Closed

Please email testingcenter@whtmy.com if you have questions.

Final Exams

The Testing Center will have special hours during exam week. Please log in to Navigate to see the available times and to sign up.

Scheduling Your Test or Quiz

You may sign up for taking your test through the LAS Testing Center in Navigate Student via OneLogin or by downloading the Navigate Student App from the App Store or Google Play

Please watch the video below to learn how to schedule an appointment.

IMPORTANT: Be sure you know your professor’s name and correct email address when you make your appointment.

  • Log into Navigate with your Carthage username and password.
  • If this is the first time logging in you will be prompted to complete a short survey.
  • Click the “Appointments” icon, then “Schedule an Appointment.”
  • In the section for “What type of appointment would you like to schedule,” select the Testing Center.
  • For “Service” select the number of hours for your appointment.
  • Then, pick your desired appointment date.
  • Click “Find Available Time.”
  • Select an appointment time from the options.
  • IMPORTANT: On the Review Appointment Details page, scroll to the “Would you like to share anything else?” section. In the box, enter:
    • The name of the course
    • Course Number
    • The instructor’s email address
    • If you need a reader or to use a Carthage laptop
  • Keep the email reminder checked and, if needed, update your phone number to receive a text reminder 30 minutes before your appointment.
  • Click Schedule.
  • You will see a message that your appointment was created successfully (or an error message if it was not created successfully). You will also receive an email confirmation of your appointment immediately after you schedule your appointment and a reminder email before your appointment.

IMPORTANT: Please schedule your test accommodation at least 24 hours in advance. If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, you may do so through Navigate or email testingcenter@whtmy.com. Please cancel or reschedule as far in advance as possible.

Please remind your professor to email the test to testingcenter@whtmy.com

If you have questions, please email testingcenter@whtmy.com.